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What Does the World Health Organization Say About HIV Prevention?

What Does the World Health Organization Say About HIV Prevention?

A few years back HIV and AIDS were treated as a new plaque of the 21st century. However, now people seem to have forgotten about it. But WHO, the World Health Organization has not stopped working on it. They still are spreading awareness about HIV prevention and helping the world be prepared for it.

Today here the best sexologist in Delhi has given us an overview of what HIV is, some key facts about it that the WHO has pointed out, and how WHO prevents HIV. Let’s learn it here together.

HIV Overview

Let’s go through an overview of what HIV is so that we can better understand why we need prevention from it.

What is HIV?

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is a virus that attacks the human body’s immune system. At the most advanced stage of this virus occurs AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome).

What are HIV signs & symptoms

What are HIV signs & symptoms?

HIV signs and symptoms depend on the stage of this infection. At the starting stage, there are influenza-like symptoms such as fever, headache, rash, and sore throat. After some time there will be other signs such as weight loss, diarrhea, cough, etc.

How does HIV spread to others?

The spread of HIV or the transmission of it happens through the exchange of body fluids. People infected with HIV can transmit this virus to others through everyday contact such as handshake, hugging, and kissing.

HIV Key Facts that WHO Pointed Out

If you visit the WHO newsroom fact sheet you will see they have pointed out many key facts about HIV alongside an overview of it. Here we are providing some of those key facts:

  • An estimated 42.3 million lives have been claimed by HIV.
  • At the end of 2023, around 39.9 million people were living with HIV.
  • There is no definite cure for HIV.
  • If everything goes as strategized by WHO, Global Fund, and UNAIDS then by 2030 HIV epidemic may end.
  • In 2023, 77% of people infected with HIV were receiving antiretroviral therapy.
HIV Prevention

HIV Prevention by the World Health Organization

The World Health Organization has a 600-page pdf on its website to give all information related to HIV and its prevention. However, reading those 600 pages to get this information would be hard for everyone. That’s why we have summarized everything.

First of all, WHO concentrates on Combination HIV Prevention. Are you wondering what it is? According to WHO, Combination HIV Prevention is an approach that integrates biomedical, behavioral, and structural interventions to prevent HIV transmission.

The biomedical interventions that reduce HIV risk practices are condom use, harm reduction services for people who inject drugs, screening for STIs, antiretroviral therapy, etc.

The behavioral interventions are HIV education and awareness campaigns, counseling and risk reduction, and promoting HIV testing.

The structural interventions are legal and policy reforms, social and economic interventions, and easy access to healthcare services.

Secondly, we have Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis which is a highly effective biomedical intervention for preventing HIV acquisition. PrEP (Pre-exposure Prophylaxis) is a method in which they use antiretroviral drugs on people who do not have HIV to prevent HIV.

Thirdly, we have Post-Exposure Prophylaxis which is an emergency medical treatment to prevent HIV infection after the individual has been potentially exposed to the virus. In PEP people have to take antiretroviral drugs for a short people after the exposure. However, it must be initiated as soon as possible.

Lastly, we have Infant Prophylaxis in which newborns are given antiretroviral drugs because they might be at risk of acquiring HIV from their mothers. This is the best approach to preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Contact Dr PK Gupta for more information!

HIV prevention is a complicated topic however, it is necessary to understand and learn it. For our safety, everyone should gain information on HIV prevention. For more information contact Dr PK Gupta, the best sexologist doctor in Delhi. He has all the knowledge of HIV and AIDS, he has treatments to help every one of his patients. So call for help right now.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How does HIV spread to children and infants?

If the mother has HIV then through pregnancy HIV will be transmitted to infants and through body fluids such as breast milk it can be transmitted to children.

Are HIV testing services accessible to everyone?

Yes, WHO has strategies to provide HIV testing services in every country, state, and city. Still, it may not be accessible to people living in rural or very backward areas.

Does HIV have a cure or a treatment?

HIV does not have a cure but it has many effective treatments. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the main and the most effective treatment of HIV. This treatment helps manage the condition of people who are already infected.

About Author

Dr.Pk Gupta

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