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What Does Testicular Pain After Ejaculation Mean?

What Does Testicular Pain After Ejaculation Mean?

Have you ever experienced a dull ache or pain in your testicles after ejaculation? Feeling a dull ache in your testicles or numbness for a while after ejaculation is common in most men. However, if that pain is excruciating, persistent, or comes with bleeding then it is not normal. Testicular pain after ejaculation is differently experienced by everyone. And only in rare cases, you would need treatments. Here let’s delve into this topic.

What is Testicular Pain?

By testicular pain after ejaculation, we mean the discomfort or aching in the testicles after sexual climax or ejaculation. This pain can be mild and severe. 

Some people commonly know it as “Blue balls,” it is a term for long arousal that causes pressure in the testicles. 

Blue balls or testicular pain is normal as long as it’s mild and not persistent.

Symptoms of Testicular Pain After Ejaculation 

  • When the pain is sudden and severe.
  • Persistent pain that is not calming down.
  • Redness, swelling, or numbness in testicles.
  • Pain or irritation during urination.
  • Unusual discharge or bleeding from testicles.
  • Vomiting and nausea with testicle pain.
  • Fever, chills, and pain in the lower abdomen.

Causes of Testicular Pain After Ejaculation

You can experience testicular pain after ejaculation for various reasons. The causes are many and only after various tests can a sexologist diagnose a proper treatment. Here let’s take a look at all the causes:

  1. Injury or Trauma – If during sexual intercourse causing injury or trauma to your testicles then it can cause testicular pain before or after ejaculation.
  2. Blue Balls (Epididymal Hypertension) – When sexual arousal is for a long period which leads to blood pressure in the testicles. 
  3. Inflammation in the Prostate Gland (Prostatitis) – Prostatitis happens when there is inflammation in the prostate gland. Besides pain, it can also lead to urinary issues.
  4. Infection (Epididymitis) – STIs or bacterial infections can cause inflammation in the coiled tube which is known as epididymitis. This causes pain, swelling, and even redness in the testicles after ejaculation.
  5. Varicocele – Enlargement of veins in the scrotum can cause testicular pain after ejaculation. 

Home Remedies for Testicular Pain

Home remedies are the best for minor or mild testicular pain, such as:

  • Resting, sitting, laying while protecting the testicles and groin.
  • Take a break from sexual pleasure, vigorous exercises, and strength training.
  • Stop all activities that cause this pain.
  • Apply an ice pack to the groin to reduce swelling and pain.
  • Support your scrotum while sleeping, for this wear a brief.
  • Maintain hygiene and stop stressing over everything.
  • Try pain reliever medicines, however, go for a diagnosis if the pain is persistent.

Prevention & Life Style Changes to Cure Testicular Pain After Ejaculation

If your testicular pain after ejaculation is not severe then prepare yourself to change your lifestyle habits. Why? This is because most of the time just by stopping wrong habits and taking care of ourselves we can stop the problem. 

Here are some prevention and lifestyle changes to cure testicular pain:

  1. Protection & Safe Sex – Time and time again it is emphasized that protective and safe sex is necessary, not just for pregnancy prevention but for all sexual disease prevention. Read and learn about protective sex. 
  2. Understand Your Problem – How will you prevent or stop your trouble if you don’t even know about it? Therefore, it’s necessary to understand your problem and learn about it fully, only then you can stop that problem.
  3. Good Hygiene – Most men forget that they need to maintain genital hygiene too. It is not just for women. Keep your genitals clean and dry. Wash it with mild soap and warm water then dry it with a soft towel. 
  4. Stress Management – We never know what stress can do to us. It does not just cause depression instead it can cause many problems. Furthermore, stress can worsen a problem we are already struggling with. So, make sure to learn stress management.
  5. Light Exercise & Diet – A healthy diet and regular exercise is necessary to live a healthy and long life. However, it does not mean you need to join a gym or yoga class. Don’t do any vigorous exercise or activity in testicular pain. Instead, do light exercises such as jogging and meditation.
  6. Begin Healthy Lifestyle – A healthy lifestyle routine is necessary for you. That means you need to eat healthy, live healthy, and sleep healthy. Sleep on time, stop using mobile all day long, and start going out to enjoy nature. 
  7. Drink Water – Your body needs hydration and it does not come from cold drinks and beer. You need to drink water and stay hydrated. With water, your overall health will improve. Furthermore, it can reduce the chances of urinary tract infections.
  8. Supportive Underwear – Start wearing supportive underwear, such as briefs or athletic supporters. These give proper support to your testicles to stop straining them.

When to Seek a doctor for Testicular Pain?

Seek an expert sexologist, especially a sexologist in Delhi if you experience sharp pain, swelling, persistent irritation, bleeding, etc. 

In truth, there is no right answer to this question of when to seek a doctor. You can seek a doctor’s help as soon as you begin noticing testicular pain. However, just make sure you are not late in seeking help. 

Don’t stay at home in vain hope that your symptoms will go away after some time. And don’t think home remedies will work every time. Seek help from a sexologist before it’s too late.

About Author

Dr.Pk Gupta

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