Low Sex Desire Treatment

Best Low Sex Desire Treatment
Sexual desire is a multi-faceted experience. The pursuit of sex and sexual pleasure, or libido, is central to our existence as human beings. Low libido may be more than just annoying — it can put stress on a relationship and reduce sexual activity which is important to maintaining intimacy between partners. Here, we will explore the causes of low libido in men and women, as well as ways to address the issue.
Low libido or Low Sex Desire can affect a person’s mood and general well-being. It can also cause anxiety about sexual relationships and intimacy, or lead to depression or relationship difficulties.
What is Low Sex Desire/Low Libido?
Low libido is a common but little-known condition that usually relates to relationship problems — often a partner’s low sexual desire rather than the sufferer’s. In some cases, it’s caused by drugs, physical health problems, and other conditions. During middle age, some people notice a gradual decline in sexual desire and activity.
This is normal. It’s also common to feel stressed and tired, which can affect your interest in sex. Life changes also affect sex Desire. Low libido isn’t all in your head. In fact, low libido isn’t any one condition. It’s a symptom that can be caused by a number of underlying medical and psychological issues.

What are the causes of Low Sex Desire?
Long-standing conditions
Sometimes low libido can be troublesome and the condition can be due to long-standing problems such as diabetes, joint pain, heart diseases, high blood pressure, constructive sleep apnea, cancer, etc. It is important that you check with your doctor to determine the right cause of your low libido problem. Most of these problems can be treated either at home or in a professional manner using different medicines or methods.
The causes of low libido can be extremely varied. Some medications can cause sexual dysfunction or lowered sexual desire. These drugs include antidepressants with serotonergic effects, antipsychotics that increase prolactin levels, medications for an enlarged prostate, including finasteride and dutasteride, hormonal contraceptives, and medications for high blood pressure.
Emotional or Psychological Condition
Many emotional and psychological factors have been linked to a decrease in libido. These include depression, anxiety, fatigue, low self-esteem, poor communication skills, and sexual abuse. If a couple has had problems resolving issues as well as expressing their needs and desires, this could contribute to lower libido levels.

Menopause: Low libido can be caused by many factors, including a decrease in testosterone production as a result of aging and menopause. But the most common cause is a lack of estrogen, which is pumped through the circulatory system by the ovaries and sexologist in Delhi. After menopause, this hormonal drop can contribute to thinning and dryness of the vagina. This in turn can cause sexual discomfort and painful intercourse.
What is the treatment for Low Libido?
If you have a low sex Desire, you should see a doctor or other healthcare professional. A Dr. Pk Gupta will be able to give you advice about the help available and any remedies that might improve your sex life. Some treatments include relationship counseling, medicines to treat the conditions causing your low sex Desire, such as vaginal lubricants or medicines to help you get an erection, hormone replacement therapy (HRT), antidepressants or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), changing to a different medicine or type of contraception, or discussing treatment options if you have a health condition.