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How Hormonal Changes in Men Impact Their Sexual Health?

How Hormonal Changes in Men Impact Their Sexual Health?

Our sexual health depends on our hormonal balance. That means the changes in our hormones can lead to different impacts on our sexual health and performance. For women, these hormonal changes impact their menstruation and fertility. But in men, these hormonal changes impact their sexual performance. It can lead to problems in their relationship and can be the cause of low self-esteem. Today here let’s learn how these hormonal changes impact the sexual health of men. 

Understanding Hormones

Before understanding hormonal changes, we need to know what hormones are. Hormones are chemicals in our bodies that travel through the bloodstream to our tissues and organs and control many different processes in the body. They affect our mood, sexual function, metabolism, reproduction, growth and development.

Hormonal Changes in Men Impact Their Sexual Health

Key Sexual Hormones in Humans

  • Androgens – These hormones regulate development and physiology in both males and females.
  • Estrogens – Crucial hormones for females to maintain metabolic and vaginal health.
  • Testosterone – The main sexual hormone in both males and females that influences our libido.
  • Progesterone – Female hormones that regulate menstrual cycle.

Hormonal Changes in Puberty

Our hormones start changing rapidly during puberty. They mark the start of a new period in our life. This is the stage for sexual maturation. There would be many changes in your sexual health, such as the growth of sexual organs. 

  1. Increase in Testosterone – During puberty every boy goes through an increase in testosterone in their body. It causes the development of male traits, such as growth in sexual organs, body hair, acne, etc.
  2. Growth of Sexual Organs – With testosterone in male bodies, comes the growth and development of sexual organs. Penis, scrotum, and testes will have an increase in size.
  3. Introduction to Sex Drive & Ejaculation – Puberty introduces us to ejaculation and sexual drive. Many teenagers experience wet dreams and an increase in libido.
  4. Sperm Production – Puberty is the start of fertility and sperm production. Two main hormones FSH and LH stimulate the testes to produce sperm.

Hormonal Stability in Adulthood

Adulthood is the starting of our hormones’ stability and balance. The age of 20 to 30 is when men experience stable hormones. Their mood, testosterone, sexual health, and everything else will be at their peak level during this period. Here are some impacts of hormonal stability in adulthood on sexual health:

  1. Peak Level of Testosterone – During adulthood, testosterone levels reach the peak which leads to optimal sexual health. This is the time for regular erectile function, strong libido, healthy sperm production, etc.
  2. Healthy Libido & Sexual Performance – Stable testosterone leads to healthy libido and high sexual performance. Men in this age typically have a high sexual desire and activity. 
  3. Enhanced Fertility & Sperm Production – During adulthood the production of sperm is robust and high. This leads men to be highly fertile at this age.
  4. Oxytocin & Love Bonding – Adulthood is the time to fall in love. Oxytocin is the love hormone that plays a key role in sexual satisfaction and emotional closeness. 

Hormonal Changes in Mid-Age

After puberty, middle age is a period where people experience major hormonal changes. Both males and females would see a gradual decrease in body strength, energy, sexual health, etc. However, these hormonal changes are not as rapid as were in puberty.

  1. Decline in Testosterone – In middle age, testosterone levels in men decline which can lead to andropause, a male version of menopause. 
  2. Decrease in Sexual Drive & Performance – This is the age when men start noticing a decrease in their sexual drive and performance. Some of them may even experience erectile dysfunction.
  3. Low Fertility & Sperm Quality – Men’s fertility and sperm quality decline in this age. Their fertility does not stop but it takes longer to conceive in this age.
  4. Bodily & Emotional Changes – Men’s body composition changes in their middle age. Their fat increases and muscle mass decreases. Furthermore, they experience mood changes such as more irritation and anxiety.

High Testosterone Impact on Male Sexual Health

The imbalance of hormones in men leads to two impacts, high testosterone and low testosterone. People think with high testosterone their male power and sexual performance would increase. However, that is not the truth. There are many sexual issues a man can face if he has a high testosterone level, such as:

  • Risk Of Erectile Dysfunction & Premature Ejaculation – A high level of testosterone can lead to erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. This is not the case always, but the rapid change of it definitely leads to such issues.
  • Low Sperm Production – If your high level of testosterone is because of external sources then it will lead to low sperm production. This is because the body reduces its own production of testosterone.
  • Increase Sex Drive (Libido) – High testosterone increases men’s sex drive and libido. This is the reason why people tend to use external sources of testosterone.
  • Prostate Health Issues – A high level of testosterone can increase the chances of prostate enlargement. This can cause urinary problems and discomfort during sex.

See Also: Men’s Sexual Health: 5 Common Things You Need to Know

Low Testosterone Impact on Male Sexual Health

A low level of testosterone has a greater impact on male sexual health than a high level of it. Low testosterone is also known as hypogonadism which leads to many sexual health issues. There are many other names for this condition, some people know it as testosterone deficiency syndrome. Let’s discuss what sexual health issues it leads us to:

  • Reduced Sexual Desire (Libido) – A low level of testosterone leads to reduced sexual desire in men. Their sexual performance and erection ability both decrease with testosterone deficiency.
  • Erectile Dysfunction – Testosterone is necessary to maintain erection. These hormones support blood flow to the penis which is necessary for erection.
  • Decreased Fertility – Sperm production and quality depend on testosterone levels. However, when it decreases sperm production would decrease too.
  • Loss of Spontaneous Erection – High testosterone leads to spontaneous erections, however, as testosterone level decreases this ability to support erection decreases.

Seek Professional Help for Hormonal Balance

Are you struggling with any of the issues discussed above? Do you want to gain more information on the impact of hormonal change? Then seek professional help from our best sexologist in Delhi Dr PK Gupta!

This is the only place you can contact for any reason. The doctors here welcome all questions and doubts. Furthermore, their treatments start with tests and proper diagnosis. So contact us right now for your good sexual health.

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Dr.Pk Gupta

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