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Best Sexologist Doctors in Delhi, India – Best Sexual Problem Treatment

Best Sexologist Doctors in Delhi, India – Best Sexual Problem Treatment

Sexual problems have become a common issue in today’s generation. To counter these problems we need the best sexologist in Delhi. These sexologists are the only ones who can provide treatments for any sexual dysfunction and disorder. Today here, let’s start by understanding common sexual problems and their treatment by the best sexologists such as Dr PK Gupta.

Sexual Dysfunctions & Disorders

  • Erectile Dysfunction

The inability to maintain an erection for the period of sexual intercourse is called erectile dysfunction. Among all the sexual dysfunction this alongside premature ejaculation has become a really common sexual health issue for men. Most of the time people also know it as impotence. There can be many causes and reasons behind it. Only the famous sexologist in Delhi will be able to tell all the underlying reasons.

  • Premature Ejaculation 

Reaching an orgasm earlier than you want, or earlier than your partner during sexual intercourse is called premature ejaculation. In today’s world, this has become a very common problem. At least 30 to 40% of men are affected by this. The causes behind this can be many. However, it does affect the confidence of men and can cause an inferiority complex.

  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STIs) 

Sexually transmitted infections and diseases are conditions that spread from one person to another through sexual contact. The symptoms of these diseases can be as common as itching and rashes yet can also reach the dangerous level of affecting all internal organs. HIV AIDS is such a sexually transmitted disease. The main cause of this disease is sleeping or having sexual intercourse with multiple partners.

  • Low Libido

Low libido is also known as low sex drive. It is a disorder that decreases one’s sexual desires. With no sexual desire men may even face erectile dysfunction. Every person has different sexual desires and libido. It is a complex emotion and depends on many factors from biological and psychological to social factors. If your low libido is causing you distress then seek a professional’s help right away.

  • Infertility

Usually, infertility is a domain of gynaecologists. However, if infertility is caused by your sexual problems then only a sex specialist doctor can treat this. Infertility is a condition in which even after trying a couple is not able to conceive a baby. The causes of it can be many and both partners can be affected by infertility. Seek to diagnose by the professionals to be clear about the underlying issue behind infertility.

  • Painful Intercourse

Painful intercourse is a common issue many women face but do not seek treatment for it. External or internal pain in the vagina, uterus or pelvis is known as Dyspareunia or painful intercourse. Males can also struggle with painful intercourse if they feel pain in their penis or the pelvis during the intercourse. Both genders need to seek treatment from a sexologist doctor in Delhi.

Sexual Dysfunctions & Disorders Causes

  • Physical Causes

There are many physical issues that can cause sexual dysfunctions and disorders. Poor blood flow can be the cause of erectile dysfunction and low libido. While hormonal imbalance can cause early menopause, infertility, premature ejaculation and ED. In the same way, chronic diseases and constant medication can have many side effects. Diabetics and arthritis can be a reason for lower sexual desire.

  • Psychological Causes

One of the major causes of all sexual problems is psychological health. Your stress and anxiety can affect your sexual performance. And a long term of such stress and anxiety will directly cause you sexual health problems. It can be low libido or even premature ejaculation.

Depression is another reason for sexual issues. With depression, you can lose the desire to have sex at all or may even face problems in achieving orgasm. Then there are body image issues, trauma and abuse which affect your sexual performance even more.

  • Lifestyle Habits

Our bad lifestyle habits can affect our sexual health too. If someone indulges themselves in alcohol, smoking and drugging then they are bound to see the effect on their health. Excessive substance abuse can impair your sexual function or may even cause impotency in severe cases. Not just addiction, but even the wrong habits such as lack of exercise can be the cause of sexual dysfunctions and disorders.

  • Relation & Ageing Causes

When a couple feels disconnected from each other they will face some sexual issues such as low libido. Your lack of physical and emotional connection can reduce your sexual desire and may even not let you reach orgasm. On the other hand, poor communication and unresolved conflicts can contribute to other sexual dysfunctions. 

Search the internet for “Sexologist Near Me” or “Sexologist Clinic Near Me” if you are facing any of the above issues.

Sexual Dysfunction Treatments 

Erectile Dysfunction Treatments

The top 10 sexologists in Delhi recommend five approaches to treat erectile dysfunction. Here let’s look at these approaches:

  1. Medication – The first approach any sexologist will take is to provide medication. There are inhibitors and medicines that may help with this dysfunction if the underlying issue is not a major one.
  2. Devices – There are devices that can help with ED such as penile pumps. These pumps should only be used if your sexologist has recommended them. They help reach a long time for erection.
  3. Therapy – Therapies are as necessary as medication when it comes to any medical condition. These therapies can address the underlying factors that are behind your sexual condition such as stress, anxiety etc.
  4. Surgery – Some surgeries are also performed to help with erectile dysfunction such as penile implant. However, only in severe cases do the sexologist doctors in Delhi recommend this surgery.
  5. Lifestyle Changes – If the underlying cause of your ED is your lifestyle habits then by changing these habits you can help your condition. If you are an addict then you must stop all your addictions right away. Furthermore, you should regularly exercise and have a healthy diet.

Premature Ejaculation Treatments

Some men feel embarrassed by such disorders but also feel shameful in seeking treatment. If you want the cure then seek treatment by Dr PK Gupta right away. There are three ways through which sexologists can provide premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi.

  1. Behaviour Techniques – There are different behaviour techniques through which you can improve your premature ejaculation. The first technique is start and stop, another is the squeeze technique, then lastly there is distracted thinking.
  2. Medication – Sexologists can prescribe medicines to help your condition. There are several types of medicines depending on the underlying cause of this condition. For example, if your PE is because of depression then antidepressants would work better than any other medicines.
  3. Therapies – Many therapies can help with these sexual disorders. Cognitive behaviour therapy is especially recommended for people who are struggling through stress, anxiety and depression. Besides this, a professional sex specialist doctor in Delhi would be able to treat your issues through counselling and other therapies.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Treatments

There is not a 100% successful treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV AIDS. What we can really do is to prevent these diseases. Let’s take a look at the other ways to treat STDs:

  1. Medications – There are antibiotics and other medicines that can work for bacterial STIs. Antivirals are also in use for viral STIs. Nowadays people get a vaccine to not receive these diseases.
  2. Prevention – To stop STIs what we can do is to prevent these diseases. Have carefully protected sex. Use vaccines and go through timely screening and testing if you have multiple partners. Furthermore, it’s recommended to have a single regular partner if you want a healthy sexual life.

Low Libido Treatments

There are four major ways through which sexologists treat low libido:

  1. Hormone Therapy – There are different hormonal therapies for males and females. These therapies help by balancing the hormones of an individual. If their low libido was caused by an imbalance of hormones then after these therapies they will be healthy again.
  2. Medication – If you are taking some medication and it becomes the cause of your low libido then it’s better to change those medications to another.
  3. Counselling – For any Gupt Rog treatment in Delhi counselling is the first step towards healing.
  4. Lifestyle Habits – Most people should try to change their bad lifestyle habits if they want a healthy sexual life. Addiction, low activity and excessive use of mobile phones can harm your sexual health.

Infertility Treatments

To help with infertility there are many treatments and approaches nowadays. Some of these treatments by the best sexologist in Delhi are:

  1. Medication – First of all, a doctor would recommend some medication if your infertility is not caused by severe issues.
  2. Assistive Reproductive Technologies – In cases where one partner’s egg or sperm is not fertile, doctors would recommend ART (assistive reproductive technologies) such as IVF.
  3. Surgery – In case your fallopian tube is blocked or in some other cases doctors perform surgeries.

Painful Intercourse

There are 4 ways through which the best sexologist doctor in Delhi treats painful Intercourse issues:

  1. Medication – Depending on the cause of your condition doctors will prescribe the medications.
  2. Therapy – There are therapies such as pelvic floor physical therapy which relaxes your muscles.
  3. Counselling – Counselling is necessary to understand your condition and the underlying cause of it.
  4. Lubricants – Lubricants can also help with painful intercourse to reduce pain from friction.

These are all your best sexual problem treatments by the best sexologist doctors in Delhi. Booking your appointment with a professional and experienced sexologist would be recommended such as Dr PK Gupta so that no mishap happens during your sexual problem treatment.

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Dr.Pk Gupta

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