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HomeHealthSteps to Find Best Doctors For Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi NCR

Steps to Find Best Doctors For Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi NCR

Steps to Find Best Doctors For Premature Ejaculation Treatment in Delhi NCR

Do you want to find the best doctor for your premature ejaculation treatment? There are steps to finding a doctor. You cannot just look aimlessly and expect to end up at an experienced clinic. 

To help you we have given 6 ultimate steps for finding the best sexologist in Delhi for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction

  1. Begin with Searching the Internet

Our first step is to begin with searching the internet. Today everything is available on Google. A single search can find a million results. Among all those million results you need to focus on the first 10 pages. Everything you need will be available in those first 10 pages.

  1. Check Out the Websites You Like 

Now that you are on Google, make sure to click open every website for doctors that seem nice to you. If you can’t choose what website is good to open and what is not, then you should simply open every website on the first page.

  1. Go Through the Reviews & Testimonies

Whichever website you like, go to search for their reviews and testimonies by previous patients. Of course, not every review or testimony would be true. However, by going through them all you will be able to know if the doctor has hired someone to falsely praise them or if the real patients are writing the reviews.

  1. Learn Their Exact Locations & Address

You need to learn each doctor’s location and their correct address. Most people start a website even though they are not genuinely a doctor or someone who can provide premature ejaculation treatment. Therefore, search for their exact address.

  1. See Their Qualifications & Certificates

The fifth step to finding the best sexologist is to see their qualifications and certificates. Only a genuine sexologist would have their qualifications and certificates on their websites. If any doctor does not have a certificate on their website that means they are not a doctor.

  1. Contact Them for a Phone Consultation

The last step is to contact them or call them to have a phone consultation. You need to ask them the right questions. If they are answering correctly and genuinely only then you should proceed ahead by going to their clinic.

Questions to Ask Your Sexologist for Premature Ejaculation Treatment

When you are consulting your sexologist there are some questions you should ask them. It is necessary to make sure the doctor answers everything genuinely or in the correct order. Here are some questions for example:

  1. How much experience do you have in premature ejaculation treatment?

This is the first question you must ask. If your sexologist has genuinely high experience in treating premature ejaculation then they will be able to tell everything properly. They will tell you how many patients there were, how they helped treat them, and almost everything.

  1. What treatment options do you provide?

Every patient should ask their sexologists what options they have for treatment. Direct surgery or injection is not the answer. Your sexologist should begin your treatment with light medication.

  1. What will be the total price?

This question is a must-ask for everyone. You have to be clear about what your treatment price will be. If your doctor is not telling you a precise price then they will increase the cost till the end of the treatment.

  1. How long will your treatment last?

Now this is another must-ask question. You have to be clear about how long your treatment is going to last. A precise answer is needed for this.

  1. Are there any potential side effects of treatment or medicines?

Be clear about what side effects their medicines can have. Or if their treatment is harmful in any way then tell them to let you know before starting the treatment.

  1. Do you teach techniques or exercises for premature ejaculation?

Premature ejaculation can be a cause of nervousness and anxiety. If this is the case with you then simply by some techniques or exercises you can cure your PE. Therefore, ask your doctor if they have some techniques to teach you.

What to do now?

Lastly, we all need to know what to do next. To treat your premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction you should search for a sexologist in Delhi. However, before starting any step contact Dr PK Gupta, he is the sexologist who can treat all your sexual disorders and dysfunctions.

About Author

Dr.Pk Gupta

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