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7 Red Flags of Sexual Health: What Men Should or Should Not Ignore?

7 Red Flags of Sexual Health: What Men Should or Should Not Ignore?

Red flags and green flags are the trending words of today’s. Everything we compare has been through the talk of red flags and green flags. Today here we will discuss the 7 red flags of sexual health that men should or should not ignore. These red flags are searched by a qualified sexologist in Delhi Dr PK Gupta.

#1 Believing Pornography is Reality

The number one red flag in today’s generation, especially in men is that they believe pornography is a reality. They watch porn and start believing that everything that happens in it is real. This belief is affecting most relationships and has become the top red flag of sexual health.

#2 Not Using Protection

The second red flag of sexual health is to not use protection. Protection is not just a pregnancy prevention item, it is the best tool to be safe from all sexually transmitted diseases. There are even myths related to using protection. Some believe they can prevent pregnancy as long as pull out without ejaculating. 

#3 Avoiding Communicating With Your Partner

Now this is a red flag of not just sexual health but of relationships too. We all know communication is necessary but most of the time men ditch it, especially when it comes to sexual health. Avoiding communicating with your partner would not help you. Men need to communicate about their sexual health, their preferences, and boundaries.

#4 Not Respecting Sexual Boundaries

The fourth red flag of sexual health in men is that they do not respect sexual boundaries. For better sexual health, you must respect sexual boundaries set by your partner. If your partner is not ready then don’t force them. Furthermore, think about your boundaries too, there is no such thing as “I am fine with everything.” No, you aren’t. You have boundaries too, please communicate them with your partner.

#5 Risky Sexual Behavior & Practices

The fifth red flag of sexual health is to participate in risky sexual behavior and practices. What is risky sexual behavior? Having sex without protection, compulsive sexual behavior, masturbation addiction, and porn addiction. These all are risky sexual behavior. Nowadays men also engage in risky sexual practices.

#6 Not Wanting To Learn About Sexual Health

Now this is a red flag that will harm you the most. Learning about sexual health is necessary. Most people believe sexual health is about sexual life, however, it is not the truth. People nowadays are ready to make assumptions rather than learn the information. Stop ignoring this and start learning right away.

#7 Receiving Help Is Not Embarrassing

The last red flag of sexual health is to not seek help even when necessary. Most people are smart enough to sense there is something wrong or they are going through a problem, however, even then they do not go through treatment. Seeking consultation and learning what is wrong with your sexual health is necessary. Hence, men should not ignore that receiving help is not embarrassing.

Consult A Sexologist If You Want A Better Sexual Health!

If you are going through a problem or simply want to learn more then consult a sexologist right away. The best sexologist in Delhi is Dr PK Gupta, contact them and seek help. You can consult them about anything. Furthermore, his clinic is open everyday week, even on Sundays you can book an appointment with him. For your better sexually healthy life a consultation with him is necessary.

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Dr.Pk Gupta

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